

Deadline for YEAR2012 student competition is 30th October 2011

30 finalists will be funded to travel to the TRA2012 conference in Athens

The YEAR2012 student competition, funded by the European Commission, was first held during TRA2008 in Slovenia back in April 2008 where the students displayed their work during the conference and the winners were presented with their awards by Commissioner for Research J. Potocnik during the opening ceremony of the conference.

YEAR2012 will take the same format. It is a student competition for postgraduates and final year undergraduates working on transport research (road, rail and waterborne). The scope includes all aspects of surface transport from Geotechnics (slope stability) to Structures (bridges), Pavements, Logistics/Planning, Transport Economics, Design and production (vehicles, vessels and infrastructure), Energy, Safety and the Environment and Governance of the Transport System. A full list of the six Pillars of their topics is detailed on the website. There is even a category for Complementarities of transport modes! Thirty finalists will be selected from across Europe and will be funded to travel to the TRA2012 conference in Athens (April 2012). There they will exhibit their research at the conference for 1,500 delegates to see. A winner will be shortlisted in each of the six categories.

To enter, all you need to do is to register on the website –  – log on and upload a 300-500 word abstract (with a few illustrations). That’s it! It could not be easier!

The 30th October 2011 deadline for abstracts is fast approaching so please submit your abstract very soon!

Hope to see you in Athens!

The YEAR2012 Team

Comments: Deadline for YEAR2012 student competition is 30th October 2011

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